Exclusive Buy-Side Advisor
About the Company
MissionWired harnesses the power of digital storytelling and connectivity, deploying millions of emails, motivated countless Facebook likes and shares and generated untold tweets and retweets. The Company crafted strategic communications for dozens of members of both houses of Congress, large national nonprofit organizations and even The White House.
The Company was at the vanguard of digital advocacy, inventing the tactics in wide use today. MissionWired is a full-service agency that can tackle any challenge thrown their way. From online fundraising, acquisition advertising and analytics to coding, graphic design and writing, the Company has top-flight talent who’ve been recognized as the best in their fields. Clients include the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the USO, Sandy Hook Promise, Democratic political committees and members of the U.S. Senate. For more information, visit missionwired.com.

a portfolio company of Stone-Goff Partners

has acquired

Exclusive Buy-Side Advisor
G2 Capital Advisors was engaged as Buy-Side Advisor to support the Companys acquisition strategy.
MissionWired, a portfolio company of Stone-Goff Partners, successfully acquired Zuri Group.
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Whether you are experiencing strong growth or periods of distress, our team is exceptionally prepared to support your strategic objectives with bespoke solutions. There is no one size fits all approach.