Operational Revitalization

Exclusive Restructuring Advisor


The Company engaged G2 as its Chief Restructuring Officer. Through the CRO, G2 developed and executed liquidity management tactics for the Company and its stakeholders.

Exclusive Restructuring Advisor


G2 worked with the company to size liquidity and conducted an operational restructuring.

Exclusive Restructuring Advisor


G2 successfully completed an operation restructuring of the Company. Leading to an eventual Article 9 used to rightsized the balance sheet and alleviate the business of excess debt.

Exclusive Restructuring Advisor

Tapp Media

Exclusive Restructuring Advisor


G2 successfully developed a long term restructuring plan including evaluation of strategic initiatives.

Exclusive Restructuring Advisor

Project Admiral

Phase 1 Strategic Assessmment and Operational & Financial Restructuring

Exclusive Financial Advisor

Project Stone

Phase 1 Strategic Assessment & Operational & Finanical Restructuring

Exclusive Restructuring Advisor

Project Golden

Operational Revitalization  

Exclusive Financial Advisor

Project Pesce

Financial & Operational Restructuring  

Exclusive Financial Advisor

Project Dam

Operational Restructuring & Sell-Side