
Exclusive Restructuring Advisor

Project Diddy

About the Company

The Company is a clothing manufacturer and distributor of mid-to-low-tier branded apparel.

Exclusive Restructuring Advisor


The Client hired G2 for a buy-side engagement to assist with supporting them as a bidder in the Ch. 11 363 sale of a well-known 90’s clothing brand.


G2 supported the client by developing a bidding strategy and by evaluating the bidding procedures in detail, helping the Client assess potential bid proposal structures and price levels, and assessing the likelihood of success. G2 also assisted the Company with their auction strategy and supported them throughout the process.


After successfully becoming a qualified bidder and participating in a competitive auction process with numerous other bidders, the Client ended up competing head to head with the original founder of the Company / brand. However, after several rounds of bids and counter-bids, the Client eventually conceded the auction to the founder.


Let’s talk about how we can help your business.

Whether you are experiencing strong growth or periods of distress, our team is exceptionally prepared to support your strategic objectives with bespoke solutions. There is no one size fits all approach.