
G2 Insights

Q3 2019 Market Update | Transportation & Logistics

Q3 2019 Transportation & Logistics Market Update
We are pleased to share the latest G2 Transportation & Logistics industry update for Q3 2019. In this piece we present key insights into current market trends in the first nine months of the year. Furthermore, we describe how a market slowdown impacts asset-based transportation service providers and identify potential levers that companies can pull to lessen the impact of lower asset utilization. G2 has leveraged its experience both operating companies and working with clients with unique capabilities to develop these recommendations. We plan to follow up in future quarters with other topical newsletters addressing specific relevant topics as the Transportation & Logistics industry continues to evolve as consumers demand goods be delivered faster, cheaper and with more transparency.

In addition, we provide a general market update along with a review of recent M&A transactions in the Transportation & Logistics sector.

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